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Ten buildings that make a sculptural feature of their balconies


"Unwinnable" board game No Worries If Not explores sexist double standards

Aphra Hallam creates wearable cooling devices to relieve menopause symptoms

Walthamstow FC unveils William Morris-informed floral kits

Cave Bureau recreates Kenya's volcanic caves for The Anthropocene Museum exhibition

Cap_able blocks facial recognition software with knitted clothing


This burp-catching mask for cows could slow down climate change

The bees are dying. Can we replace them with flies?

This digitally-knitted sportswear is like 3D-printed clothing

Biodegradable clothes may fix fashion's huge waste problem

How AI is radically changing our definition of human creativity

This pollution-busting window cleans the air with photosynthesis

This watercolour painting was created by artistic bacteria





This Psychedelic Art Made from Moldy Food Is Tripping Us Out, Motherboard, VICE

​This Insane Dungeons & Dragons Model Is a Work of Art, Waypoint, VICE​​

A Recycled Plastic Organ Creates an Eerie Sonic Playground, Noisey, VICE

Meet the Artist Spinning Tortillas and Potato Record, Munchies, VICE

​Woah, Dissected Insects Make Great DIY Robots, The Creators Project, VICE

​​This Artist Paints Lucid Dreams with Her Own Hair, VICE


Interview: Jem Cresswell Speaks to the Humility of Documenting Humpback Whales

Ethereal Digital Botanicals by Ondrej Zunka Explore Dependency on Plant Species

Unearthly Plant Photos by Tom Leighton Highlight Nighttime Chemical Processes

Loops and Coils in Bright Gradients Grow from Claire Lindner’s Ceramic Sculptures

Ethereal Paper Sculptures  by Ayumi Shibata Play With Light and Shadow

Meticulously Detailed Ceramics by Kaori Kurihara Concoct Fantastical New Fruits

Melding Two Crafts, Caroline Harrius Embroiders Ceramic Vessel

Lustrous Glass Sculptures by Julie Gonce Mirror the Beauty of Natural Forms

Design Exchange Magazine


Burton Nitta’s speculative design project 

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